Abstract of Microcontroller based velocity Meter Project
The notion behind the implementation of Velocity Measurement System is to learn by doing, the application and functionality of microcontroller. Velocity Measurement has a wide variety of applications in industry and microcontroller is the most suitable device that can be dedicated for the task. This document discusses the circuitry and the programming involve in the implementation of Velocity Measurement System. The Microcontroller will be programmed using C- language and will familiarize us with hardware and programming of an 8051 Microcontroller. We will learn how to design and implement both hardware and software components.
Project Overview
project is to implement the velocity measurement system of a moving object
using 8051 microcontrollers. We have used a ball rolling inside a channel which
passes through two sensors (micro limit switches in this case) and the time is
calculated between the two using microcontroller and by usage of a simple formula,
the velocity is calculated.
Measurement of Linear Velocity
the ball i.e. the moving object passes over the first sensor an interrupt
signal is generated and the software starts counting the time interval until
the second interrupt is received when the ball passes over the second sensor.
The length between the sensors is fixed i.e. 30cm, which is known to us by
dividing that length by the time interval between two interrupts the velocity
is obtained, the measured velocity is displayed on the LCD and also on the
monitor of PC. We insure to have small displacement by keeping sensors not too
far from each other so that time interval is very small and average velocity
measured approaches to instantaneous velocity.
speed is
Vavg = (y2 - y1) / (t2 - t1)
y2 - y1= The length between two
t2 - t1= the time interval between two interrupts.
Basic Block Diagram of Velocity Meter
figure is about the flowchart of the project. It describes the flow of data
through out the system.
![]() |
Basic Block Diagram of a Project |
Input from Velocity Sensor side
module is responsible for the data input. It includes object detect sensors.
These sensors could be contact less like optical or proximity sensors or
contact sensors like limit switches. We used micro limit switches for that
purpose. The reason behind this is they are inexpensive, simple and reliable.
Moreover, they are available at our lab.
![]() |
sensor board diagram for the velocity measurement using microcontroller |
Data processing and Manipulation
the data processing some processor is required. The main processing is carried
out within the controller. Device used for the processing is 89C51
Output on LCD and also on PC through RS-232
modules are responsible for the data output. They include interfacing with
computers Interfacing with other Devices.
Following is the flow of data within the output module.
describing Interfacing
The Serial Port
to Serial Port
Advantages of using Serial data transfer rather than Parallel port are summarized as. Serial Cables are usually more longer than the Parallel port communication cables. The serial port transmits a '1' as -3 to -25 volts and a '0' as +3 to +25 volts where as a parallel port transmits a '0' as 0v and a '1' as 5v. The number of wires are at lesser side than parallel transmission cable which have many wires. Micro controller’s have also proven to be quite popular recently. The microcontrollers have in built Serial Communications Interfaces in the chips. The built in hardware is used to talk to the outside world. Serial port Communication uses the less number of the ios pins of the MPU's or microcontrollers. The number of IOs used in null modem configuration only two pins named Transmit Data (TXD) and Receive Data (RXD).
Interfacing the Serial / RS232 Port
a voltage standard (and often times a handshaking standard) such as RS-232 is
used to allow the 8051-based system to communicate with a wide range of common
systems such as PCs.
Serial Port's Registers (PC's)
port terminology and addresses are shown below in table below:
Standard Port Addresses
Name |
Address |
1 |
3F8 |
2 |
2F8 |
3 |
3E8 |
4 |
2E8 |
address at which the Communications (COM) ports are Addressed in the BIOS Data
Area are as under. Each port address is consisting of 2 bytes.
Table-2 COM Port Addresses in the BIOS Data
Address |
Function |
0000:0400 |
Base Address |
0000:0402 |
Base Address |
0000:0404 |
Base Address |
0000:0406 |
Base Address |
Pins and Wires
Table‑3: Serial Pinouts (D9 Connectors)
Pin No. |
Abbreviation |
Name |
3 |
TD |
Data |
2 |
RD |
Data |
7 |
To Send |
8 |
To Send |
6 |
Set Ready |
5 |
SG |
Ground |
1 |
CD |
Detect |
4 |
Terminal Ready |
9 |
RI |
Indicator |
The various Functions of the above mentioned pins are enlisted in the table-4:
Table‑4: D-Type-9 Pin Connector Functions
Abbreviation |
Name |
Function |
TD |
Data |
Data Output (TXD) |
RD |
Data |
Data Input (RXD) |
to Send |
signal is an indication for the link that the Modem is ready to exchange Data
through the serial communication. |
Carrier Detect |
detection of a "Carrier" signal on the other end of the phone line, this
Line becomes active. |
Set Ready |
to establish a link. |
Terminal Ready |
is ready to link |
To Send |
is ready to exchange data |
RI |
Indicator |
detects a ringing signal |
RS−232 or EIA−232
serial port is usually a RS−232−C, EIA−232−D, or EIA−232−E.
RS-232 Waveforms
communication is asynchronous. It means that the clock is not communicated with
the data during the serial communication. Each word is synchronized with it's
start bit, the send and receive are responsible to accurately sense the
transmission. The serial communication starts with a start bit, normally it is the
Logic 0. After that each bit is transmitted through the line, one bit at a
time. Usually the LSB (Least Significant Bit) is sent first in serial
communication. At the end of transmission, a Stop Bit which is normally Logic 1
is sent.
the next bit after the Stop Bit be Logic 0. This must mean another word is
following, and this is it's Start Bit. Therefore, if the line has not been sent
back into an idle state, then the receiving end will interpret this as a break
signal. The data sent this way is framed in the form that the data is transmitted
in-between a Start and Stop Bit.
Serial Port on 8051
8051 family microcontrollers have an on chip hardware based serial port. The
built in serial communication hardware of 8051 microcontroller can be used
or operated in many different modes over
a wide range of set of frequencies usually called baud rate. The serial port in
the full duplex mode of operation means that the simultaneous transmission and
reception. It may be noted that the data being received is buffered in special
buffer registers in order to avoid any loss of the communication.
Serial Port SFR’s
using Serial port, SCON must be initialized for the correct mode and, also
specify the baud rate using SMOD which is a bit specified in PCON. The SMOD bit
can be used to double the baud rates of the serial port whether generated by
the timer 1 overflow rate or the oscillator frequency. The Setting SMOD bit to
logic high will double the baud rate of the UART during its operation in mode
1, 2, or 3. When the Timer 2 of microcontroller is used for the generation of
baud rates, the value of SMOD don’t effect on the baud rate of UART.
Table‑5: Serial Control Register (SCON) - Bit
SM0 |
SM1 |
SM2 |
TB8 |
RB8 |
TI |
RI |
What is LCD: The LCD stands for “Liquid Crystal Display”.
LCD Initialization
we can send commands or data to the LCD module, the module must be initialized.
The initialization procedure for both the modes is given below:
For Eight bit mode
eight-bit mode, LCD is initialized using the following series of steps, The
microcontroller will send necessary commands to LCD through the use of data
port in a specific order. The commands and LCD response will make it ready to
accept the data to be shown on it. The series of command as under:
- First of all, the microcontroller should wait about 15 to 20 milli-seconds after the power ON of the system.
- Microcontroller will write first command on the data bus which will be consisting of a byte having value 0x030 to LCD and then wait 05 milli-seconds for the instruction to complete.
- Microcontroller will write second command on the data bus consisting of an-other byte with value 0x030 to LCD and then again microcontroller shall wait 160 micro-seconds for instruction to complete.
- Third time microcontroller will write the same command on the data bus of similar value 0x030 to LCD and then again microcontroller will wait 160 micro-seconds or poll the Busy Flag.
- Now at this stage the microcontroller will set the Operating Characteristics of the LCD.
- Microcontroller will write the "Set Interface Length".
- Microcontroller will send 0x010 to LCD for the execution of turn off the Display.
- Microcontroller will send the next command consisting of 0x001 to LCD for the execution of Clear the Display.
- Microcontroller will send the command for "Set Cursor Move Direction" Setting Cursor behavior Bits.
- At the last microcontroller will send the command to "Enable Display/Cursor" & enable Display and also for Optional Cursor.
Four bit mode
some application we wish to have a smaller number of data bus to be used with
the microcontroller to save the microcontroller IO lines. The standard
controllers of the alpha-numeric LCD allow the use of half of the data bus for
communication purpose. Therefore, there are some difference and similarities
the process of initialization of LCD for the four bit mode as compared to the
eight bit mode as discussed earlier. Now we will se the sequence of command for
the initialization of LCD for the utilization of the LCD in this specific mode
of operation in which some of the Microcontroller pins will be saved.
- First step is very similar to above that the microcontroller should wait for some delay of about 15 milli-seconds after power is ON.
- Microcontroller will send the same command as discus above consisting of one byte and having value 0X30 and after each send Microcontroller shall wait for about a few milli seconds in the sequence as discussed earlier.
- Here is the important command which will tell the LCD to select the mode of operation: as the microcontroller will now send 0x02 to the LCD to Enable Four Bit Mode. After this all commands and instruction or data etc will be necessary send in two steps in the form of two nibbles. All other sequence and rest of commands will be in same sequence and value, except with the care that data shall be transferred in the form of nibbles.
Component List.
- Atmel 89C51 Microcontroller
- Max 232 Transceivers
- 25 MHz Crystal oscillator
- DB-9 Female connector
- Hitachi 44780 character LCD
- Two Micro limit switches
- One Green LED
- Five 10uF – 25V Capacitors
- Four Resistors 10K Ohm ¼ watts
/* Velocity Measurement */ /* Dated : March 2010 */ /* Hardware Description */ /* Microcontroller 89C51 */ /* Operating Frequency : 12 MHz */ /* Inputs : Object sensors displace at 30 cm apart */ /* Outputs: a.) 20x2 Character LCD b.) Serial Console c.) Heartbeat LED */ #include <AT89X51.H> #include <intrins.h> #include <stdio.h> /* function declaration */ void init_serial_port(void); void init_lcd(void); void init_timer0(void); void init_interrupts(void); void lcd_start_messeges(void); void serial_start_messeges(void); void waitms(unsigned int ); void clearlcd(void); void waitUS (unsigned char ); void putcharlcd(unsigned char); void putstringlcd(unsigned char *); void print_vel_lcd(unsigned char *); void positioncursor(unsigned char); void write_lcd(unsigned char ) ; /* bit declaration */ sbit rs_lcd = P3^6;
// Register Select LCD, H= Data, L = Instruction code sbit en_lcd = P3^7; // Enable LCD H->L enable sbit heart_beat = P0^0; //*************** THE END ****************************************** /* text messeges */ unsigned char code msg1[]= " Velocity \0"; unsigned char code msg2[]= " Measurement \0"; unsigned char code msg3[]= " 8051 \0"; unsigned char code msg4[]= " Microcontroller \0"; unsigned char code msg5[]= " C-language \0"; unsigned char code msg6[]= " KEil c51 \0"; unsigned char code msg7[]= " By \0"; unsigned char code msg8[]= " Dr.Rana \0"; unsigned char code msg9[]= " as \0"; unsigned char code msg10[]=" an External \0"; unsigned char code msg11[]=" Supervisor \0"; unsigned char code msg12[]=" in this \0"; unsigned char code msg13[]=" Project \0"; unsigned char code msg14[]=" Thank You \0"; unsigned char code msg15[]=" v e l o c i t y \0"; unsigned char code msg16[]=" m / sec\0"; /* end of text messeges block */ /* global variables declarations */ unsigned int x; //counter for heart beat unsigned long count; //48usec increment counter bit complete_flag=0 ; //complete status flag bit count_flag=0; unsigned char buff [10]; //define 10 byte buffer unsigned char n; //sprintf return variable /*++++++++++++++++++++++++++++*/ /* Main Function */ /* This function initialize the pheripherals, send Initial messeges to the LCD & Serial Port and wait for the inputs. */ void main (void) { //enable global interrupt float velocity; init_interrupts(); init_serial_port(); init_lcd(); serial_start_messeges(); lcd_start_messeges(); init_timer0(); while (1) { if(complete_flag) { //velocity calculation : s = vt or v = s/t // length = 30 cm (0.3/48e-6 = 6250) velocity = 6250.0/count ; count = 0; printf("Velocity is %f m/sec", velocity); puts(msg14); //THANKYOU MESSEGE /*printing of velocity at lcd */ n = sprintf (buff, "%f",velocity); //convertion to buff clearlcd(); positioncursor(0x00); //first line (v e l o c i t y) putstringlcd(msg15); print_vel_lcd(buff); //print velocity at second line positioncursor(0x49); //2nd line (m / min ) putstringlcd(msg16); complete_flag = 0; } if(x++==25000) heart_beat = ~heart_beat; } } void timer0(void) interrupt 1 { //every 48u sec if(count_flag) { count++; } } void exter_intr_0(void) interrupt 0 { count_flag = 1; // set count flag } void exter_intr_1(void) interrupt 2 { if(count_flag) { count_flag = 0; complete_flag = 1; } } void print_vel_lcd(unsigned char *d) { positioncursor(0x42); //position 42 while (n>0) { write_lcd(*d); d++; n--; }} void clearlcd(void){ rs_lcd =0; write_lcd(0x01); rs_lcd =1; } void positioncursor(unsigned char c ){ rs_lcd = 0; write_lcd(0x80 | c); // set address of cursor rs_lcd =1; } void putstringlcd(unsigned char *d){ while(!(*d == '\0')){ /* detect '\0' */ write_lcd(*d); d++; }} void write_lcd(unsigned char a) { P1 = a; waitUS(250); waitUS(250); waitUS(250); waitUS(250); en_lcd = 0; en_lcd = 1; } void lcd_start_messeges(void) { positioncursor(0x00); //first line putstringlcd(msg1); positioncursor(0x40); //2nd line putstringlcd(msg2); waitms(800); clearlcd(); positioncursor(0x00); //first line putstringlcd(msg3); positioncursor(0x40); //2nd line putstringlcd(msg4); waitms(800); clearlcd(); positioncursor(0x00); //first line putstringlcd(msg5); positioncursor(0x40); //2nd line putstringlcd(msg6); waitms(800); clearlcd(); positioncursor(0x00); //first line putstringlcd(msg7); waitms(800); clearlcd(); positioncursor(0x00); //first line putstringlcd(msg8); positioncursor(0x40); //2nd line putstringlcd(msg9); waitms(800); clearlcd(); positioncursor(0x00); //first line putstringlcd(msg10); positioncursor(0x40); //2nd line putstringlcd(msg11); waitms(800); clearlcd(); positioncursor(0x00); //first line putstringlcd(msg12); positioncursor(0x40); //2nd line putstringlcd(msg13); waitms(800); } void init_serial_port(void) { SCON = 0x50; /* SCON: mode 1, 8-bit UART, enable rcvr */ PCON |= 0x80; /* set SMOD = 1 for double buad rate */ TMOD |= 0x20; /* timer 1 auto reload mode */ TH1 = -7; /* TH1: 19200 Buad @ 12MHz TR1 = 1; /* TR1: timer 1 run */ TI = 1; /* TI: set TI to send first char of UART */ } void init_timer0(void) { TMOD |= 0x02; /* TMOD: timer 1,2, mode 2, 8-bit reload */ TH0 = TL0 = -100; // 48 usec @12M auto reload value TR0 = 1 ; } void init_interrupts(void) { IE = 0x87; //enable global , external 0 and external 1 interrupt IP |= 0x05; //high priority for external 0 and external 1 interrupt TCON |= 0x05; //low edge triggered for external-0 & external-1 int } void init_lcd(void){ //LCD module //generic lcd driver // D0-D7 -> P1 // RS -> P3.6 // RS -> P3.7 rs_lcd = 0; //for cmd waitms(500); write_lcd(0x38);//Function Set 0011 1000 waitms(100); write_lcd(0x38);//Function Set 0011 1000 waitms(100); write_lcd(0x38);//Function Set 0011 1000 waitms(100); write_lcd(0x0C);
//display off/ON No Cursor No Blinking at cursor waitms(100); write_lcd(0x01); //clear Display waitms(100); write_lcd(0x06); //Entry Mode Set rs_lcd = 1; // for data } void serial_start_messeges(void) { puts ("WELLCOME"); puts (msg2); puts (msg3); puts (msg4); puts (msg5); puts (msg6); puts (msg7); puts (msg8); puts (msg9); puts (msg10); puts (msg11); puts (msg12); puts (msg13); } /* These are uncalibrated approximate delays */ void waitUS(unsigned char a){ while(--a != 0);
/* wait = a * 2 + 5 usec @ 12 MHz*/ } void waitms(unsigned int a) { // ~1msec delay @ 25MHz while (--a !=0) { waitUS(247); waitUS(247); waitUS(247); waitUS(247); } }
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